Past Events
Don’t Miss Out

Hop to It 5K Beer Run
July 14th 2018
The Haunted Hustle Committee joined forces with the North On Tap Craft Beer Festival for a fun 5km walk or run! Registration for Adults included - a short sleeve tech shirt, admission into the Festival including a Beer Stein & 2 x 4oz Beer Samples. The youth Root Beer 5km Run/Walk - Registration included a short sleeve tech shirt and finishers prize when they cross the finish line. The 5km loop began and ended at the Festival Gates.
All proceeds from this event were donated to local charities chosen by the North on Tap Committee.
Click on the "Hop to It Beer Run" tab above to register for the next event happening on July 13th, 2019!
The Haunted Hustle
October 28th, 2018
2018 Prizes:
Running Shoes from Active 1 Source for Sports were given to 1st place finishers for ladies & men for the Full, Half, 10KM & 5KM run events! There was also sunglasses from Dr. Casey Baldovin & a Patio Heater from Time.
Visit - for complete results from the Haunted Hustle!

If you have photos or memories you’d like to share, please get in touch.